Our first SUMMER BENEFIT COCKTAIL was a great success !

On July 31, the Massawippi Valley Health Foundation (MVHF) held its first Summer Fundraising Cocktail at the Auberge La Raveaudière in North Hatley. More than 50 people attended.

“This event marked the launch of a major fundraising campaign,” said Michel Rodrigue, President of the Foundation.“ Our goal is to raise $2 million over the next three years with plans for a clinic in North Hatley in 2026 and a mobile clinic after that.”

The Foundation currently supports the CVSM clinic in Ayer’s Cliff which has operated since 2014 and now has almost 3,000 members. MVHF will build on this success, opening a first satellite clinic this autumn in Lennoxville.  Setup for a new clinic costs approximately three quarters of a million dollars.

The Massawippi Valley Health Foundation thanks its donors, volunteers, and partners for their invaluable support which has already enabled us to raise $162,000 for the ongoing campaign for a North Hatley and a mobile clinics.